Our Story

“ *If you know you know ”

The idea of Notorious North was born overlooking a beautiful mountain stream twisting and turning its way through one of Norway’s notorious mountain plateaus. Under a starlit sky we were watching the directional sign for the north - the North Star. The North Star is not a bright star and is hard to spot. To find it, you have to be in the know.

Our outdoor clothing was slung over a tarp cord, drying by the fire. As we watched the light from the flames reflect of the big bright logos we asked ourselves: Why are we being used as billboards for these corporate brands, many of whom we don’t know what stand for? This is about us, doing our thing, in this beautiful place that few others know about. We wanted something subtle, something real, and something that cares about us and the air, land and water we thrive in.

Notorious North’s graphic designs are subtle and based on the North Star, which is doubling as an asterisk*. Notorious North is not about pushing a brand - it is about you, doing your thing - wearing an awesome piece of high quality clothing.

We have been roaming the woods, mountains and shores in the Notorious North since we were kids. But we won’t tell you where the best swells, crags, powder or holes are. And when you see one of our items, it is not obvious who made it unless you know what to look for. But as with the North Star - *If you know you know.